Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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Appendix A Ascii Character codes.
These are the codes to be used with the |nnn option of the
function key macros.
Code Function Code Function
---- -------- ---- --------
000 NULL 016 DLE
001 SOH 017 DC1 (XON)
002 STX 018 DC2
003 ETX 019 DC3 (XOFF)
004 EOT 020 DC4
005 ENQ 021 NAK
006 ACK 022 SYN
007 BELL 023 ETB
009 HORIZ TAB 025 EM
011 VERT TAB 027 ESC
012 FORM FEED 028 FS
013 CR 029 GS
014 SHIFT OUT 030 RS
015 SHIFT IN 031 US
Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
032 SPACE 048 0 064 @ 080 P 096 ` 112 p
033 ! 049 1 065 A 081 Q 097 a 113 q
034 " 050 2 066 B 082 R 098 b 114 r
035 # 051 3 067 C 083 S 099 c 115 s
036 $ 052 4 068 D 084 T 100 d 116 t
037 % 053 5 069 E 085 U 101 e 117 u
038 & 054 6 070 F 086 V 102 f 118 v
039 ' 055 7 071 G 087 W 103 g 119 w
040 ( 056 8 072 H 088 X 104 h 120 x
041 ) 057 9 073 I 089 Y 105 i 121 y
042 * 058 : 074 J 090 Z 106 j 122 z
043 + 059 ; 075 K 091 [ 107 k 123 {
044 , 060 < 076 L 092 \ 108 l 124 |
045 - 061 = 077 M 093 ] 109 m 125 }
046 . 062 > 078 N 094 ^ 110 n 126 ~
047 / 063 ? 079 O 095 _ 111 o 127
Appendix B Extended Ascii character codes
These are the codes to be used with the |!nnn option of the
function key macros.
Code Keypressed Code Keypressed Code Keypressed
---- ---------- ---- ---------- ---- ----------
59 F1 94 Ctrl-F1 120 Alt-1
60 F2 95 Ctrl-F2 121 Alt-2
61 F3 96 Ctrl-F3 122 Alt-3
62 F4 97 Ctrl-F4 123 Alt-4
63 F5 98 Ctrl-F5 124 Alt-5
64 F6 99 Ctrl-F6 125 Alt-6
65 F7 100 Ctrl-F7 126 Alt-7
66 F8 101 Ctrl-F8 127 Alt-8
67 F9 102 Ctrl-F9 128 Alt-9
68 F10 103 Ctrl-F10 129 Alt-0
Code Keypressed Code Keypressed Code Keypressed
---- ---------- ---- ---------- ---- ----------
84 Shift-F1 104 Alt-F1 3 Null (Ctrl-2)
85 Shift-F2 105 Alt-F2 15 Shift-Tab
86 Shift-F3 106 Alt-F3 71 Home
87 Shift-F4 107 Alt-F4 72 Up arrow
88 Shift-F5 108 Alt-F5 73 PgUp
89 Shift-F6 109 Alt-F6 75 Left arrow
90 Shift-F7 110 Alt-F7 77 Right arrow
91 Shift-F8 111 Alt-F8 79 End
92 Shift-F9 112 Alt-F9 80 Down arrow
93 Shift-F10 113 Alt-F10 81 PgDn
Code Keypressed Code Keypressed Code Keypressed
---- ---------- ---- ---------- ---- ----------
30 Alt-A 49 Alt-N 82 Insert
48 Alt-B 24 Alt-O 83 Delete
46 Alt-C 25 Alt-P 114 Echo
32 Alt-D 16 Alt-Q 115 Ctrl-
18 Alt-E 19 Alt-R Left arrow
33 Alt-F 31 Alt-S 116 Ctrl-
34 Alt-G 20 Alt-T Right arrow
35 Alt-H 22 Alt-U 117 Ctrl-End
23 Alt-I 47 Alt-V 118 Ctrl-PgDn
36 Alt-J 17 Alt-W 119 Ctrl-Home
37 Alt-K 45 Alt-X 130 Alt-Hyphen
38 Alt-L 21 Alt-Y 131 Alt-Equals
50 Alt-M 44 Alt-Z 132 Crtl PgUp
The following options are available to users of function key
|nnn This allows you to enter any Ascii code except 000
replace the nnn with exactly 3 digits in the range
of 001 - 255
|x This option allows you to enter Omega-Term commands
replace the x with the letter of the command that you
wish to execute. In addition to the commands that are
available to you in the terminal mode, you may use
|Wnn where nn is the number of seconds to wait before
continuing with the macro.
|!nnn This option allows you to enter keys that do not have
a Ascii code. Replace nnn with the 3 digit code from
the table on the previous page.
|:x This option tells Omega-Term to wait until the
character specified by x is received before proceding
While Omega-Term is waiting for input anything that you type will
be sent exactly as you type it. This can be usefull if you forgot to
put something into your macro. During |W waits pressing any key
terminates the delay. Timed waits are very usefull for auto log-on to
bbs's that are slow in there response.
At any other time during the execution of a macro the keystrokes
that you enter will be buffered and executed after the macro is
NOTICE: If you write a macro that calls itself (i.e. you define
F1 as |:~59) the macro might repeat itself forever. To get out of this
situation press and hold CONTROL (Ctrl) and press and release BREAK.
This will interrupt the macro and clear it and the keyboard buffer. If
the macro was sending data out, and you wish to stop the data in the
send buffer from being sent, then press ALT-EQUALS(=) Twice.
The following options have been added to the fuction key macros:
|~ send the ~ character.
~ delay approximently 1/18th of a second.
These options make it possible to send macros to bbs that are not
fast enough to keep up with full speed transmition.